Class name, Needle Knit Snowman Square
Craft type, needle knitting
Instructor, Tracy C
Class format, phone/email
Class date, Monday, September 9,
Class time, 7:30 p.m. Eastern
Sign up deadline, August 31
Class description:
Get ready early for holiday gift giving by making this knitted snowman picture cloth.
Skills needed:
Basic knitting
Supply list:
Light colored Yarn of your choice and needle gauge to fit your yarn.
Scissors and darning needle.
To register for any of our classes:
- Send an email to BlindCraftersClasses at
- Place the name of the class in the subject line.
- In the body of the message please include your first and last name, email address, phone number and the name of the class you’re registering for. (please do not combine a list of classes in one message, but create a new message for each different class.)