Needle Knit Snowman Square

Class name, Needle Knit Snowman Square

Craft type, needle knitting

Instructor, Tracy C

Class format, phone/email

Class date, Monday, September 9,

Class time, 7:30 p.m. Eastern

Sign up deadline, August 31


Class description:

Get ready early for holiday gift giving by making this knitted snowman picture cloth.

Skills needed:

Basic knitting

Supply list:

Light colored Yarn of your choice and needle gauge to fit your yarn.

Scissors and darning needle.



To register for any of our classes:

  1. Send an email to BlindCraftersClasses at
  2. Place the name of the class in the subject line.
  3. In the body of the message please include your first and last name, email address, phone number and the name of the class you’re registering for. (please do not combine a list of classes in one message, but create a new message for each different class.)