Welcome to Krafters Korner where blind and visually impaired adults learn and teach crafts.

In this supportive Environment we share our knowledge and love for crafts of all kinds.

What is offered here at Krafters Korner?


Sign up for our listserv where all things craft-related are discussed. All are welcome. Use the link below to join us.


Krafters Korner Chats

Join us on Monday at 7:30 Eastern and Friday at 5:30 eastern by calling: 667-770-1685.

Access code 614370#

For more details about our chats visit our chat page:

How to become a member

In order to take classes here at Krafters Korner you must first sign up to become a member. Membership is free.

To sign up as a member send your full name, email address, phone numbers and home address to


Learn all you need to know about our phone and email classes by going to our classes info page:


Sign up to take one of our many craft classes taught for and by blind and visually impaired crafters.

All classes are free. However, you must be a current member of Krafters Korner before you can take any classes.

To Sign up to be a member, send your name, email address and phone number to


To sign up to take any of our classes, go to our current classes page.

Sign up to take a class by going to our current classes page.


If you’d like to teach a class, we’d love to have you.

First contact Joyce Kane to discuss your class.



Next, email the necessary info about your class to our class registrar. What information to be included in your email can be found on our classes info page, (link is above.) Send the info to:


Calendar of events

Visit our calendar of events page to get a detailed schedule of all our chats and classes.
Learn more about how Krafters Korner began.

formerly a division of the NFB.
Contact us for more information

If you have questions or comments about Krafters Korner please join the listserv and post your questions or contact Joyce Kane privately at Blindhands@aol.com.

stay in contact with us via social media.

Join our Facebook group

to share ideas and photos of our projects.